Ideally located at the mouth of the large Rhône, between the river and the sea, Port Saint Louis du Rhône, 8624 habitants, is one of the three gateways to the wild Camargue.
The vocation of this city “at the end of the world” was not always tourist: this town knew over the years to adapt to economic realities and how to shape up its new look because it is born at the beginning of the century and has grown up around its harbour activities.
The town depends today on its natural heritage and cultural identity to give a new boost to its area, by developing it and doing every thing possible to preserve this quality of live.


Saison culturelle 2020-2021 Scènes&Cinés
Scènes&Cinés-Espace Gérard Philipe - Saison Culturelle 2020-2021
« nègo-chin » Trips
L’Office de Tourisme de Port Saint Louis du Rhône, en partenariat avec l’association "Protection des traditions locales", propose aux amoureux de la nature une douce et originale balade sur les marais à bord d’une embarcation traditionnelle appelée nègo-chin. Vous partez à 9h30 de la Tour Saint Louis pour rejoindre le they du Pégoulier et effectuez une magnifique promenade de plus d’une heure.